On May 21, leaders covered a lot of information at the Jesse Lee Town Hall Meeting. In case you missed the meeting, you’ll find links below to:
- The livestream recording of the meeting that you can view on-demand
- The takeaway sheet distributed at the meeting that covers the high points
- Extensive information from the Holy Cow! Consulting survey findings
Questions? Contact Elizabeth Rabinowitz at egrabinowitz@gmail.com.
This winter, Jesse Lee Church conducted a post-COVID survey through Holy Cow Consulting to gleen insights on how we as a church, and as individuals, are doing. On this page, you’ll find detailed analyses of the findings. We hope you’ll take some time to review the results and join the conversation about how to use this information to build on our successes and constantly strive to improve. If you have questions, please contact our Church Council Chair, Elizabeth Rabinowitz at egrabinowitz@gmail.com.
Thank you for being a vital part of Jesse Lee Church!