Children's Ministry
At Jesse Lee Church, we believe children are a vital part of the Kingdom of God. We believe God is working in and through their lives every day, and are honored to be a part of their daily faith journey. In Kingdom Kids, we gather in fellowship with each other, explore how people around the world think about and experience God (both past and present), and wonder together about what it means for us today.
We approach faith formation as a collaborative effort and encourage students to ask big questions of the Bible, of God, and of our shared understandings of what it looks like to live and love like Jesus. We take children’s spirituality seriously and have a seriously fun time doing so!

Sunday School
Where: Martin Hall
When: after The Parable Box lesson during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service
Ages: 4-12 (childcare is provided for children 3 and under)
For the 2023-2024 & 2024-2025 school years, we are looking at the Big Questions of Faith in Sunday School each week. Our lessons are designed to be rooted in our inclusive understanding of God’s love and a Biblical interpretation that remains faithful to that, and to be engaging for all students! Students spend most of their time in age-specific classes, combining fun and faith formation through a variety of activities that take into account different learning styles and aim to be as accessible and inclusive as possible so that all students, regardless of ability or experience in a church setting, can feel like they belong.
Junior Youth Group
In our Kingdom Kids ministry, we recognize that the 4th and 5th grades are a unique experience that starts to push them out of fitting into Children’s Ministry but also doesn’t quite yet make them ready to fit into a Youth Ministry classification. Out of this understanding, we began our Junior Youth Group & made it a priority to give our 4th and 5th graders a revamped room of their own to use for Sunday School and Junior Youth gatherings. Junior Youth Group typically meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month for about an hour and a half, with this schedule adjusting as needed based on the season/time of year. In Junior Youth, students share a meal together, explore themes and passages from the Bible, and participate in group games and activities that connect with what they’re studying in the Bible. Our current overarching theme is “Identity” and we use the Book of Belonging Storybook Bible. Junior Youth is open to all 4th and 5th graders, regardless of church attendance or affiliation.
Family Ministry Events
We see Kingdom Kids as being in a partnership with the significant adults in students’ lives. As such, we strive to build connections with not only the children in the ministry, but also their families, through a variety of family-focused ministry events and attending students’ games and important events in the community. We also aim to keep our families in the loop about all things that are going on in the Kingdom Kids ministry through social media posts, regular emails, and regular in-person conversations. Make sure to check the events tab at the top of this page to learn about our upcoming family ministry events!
Join Us
Are you interested in being part of the Children’s Ministry team? We would love your help! Email us to learn more and register to volunteer for Children’s Ministry events and activities throughout the year. We have a wide range of opportunities to help out and get involved; some are short-term and other opportunities have more staying power. All the opportunities offered are a blessing to the children in our congregation.