
Sing Praises to the Lord

The music program at Jesse Lee is a source of

spiritual nourishment both for those listening,

and for those creating, the music.


Please see a list of our ensembles below.

We would love to have you join us.

Contact the church at 203-438-8791 for more information.

Vocal Music

7-8:30 PM on Thursdays in the Sanctuary.

Music is a vital part of our worship experience, and provides us with a joyful way to worship the Lord. Our choir offers an opportunity for you to share your vocal talents with our community. Choir members prepare hymns and choral anthems for Sunday morning services. Small singing ensembles also offer different socially-distanced ways to sing during COVID. Individual vocalists are also encouraged to sing solos or duets with other vocalists.

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Handbell Choir

6-7 PM on Thursdays in the Sanctuary.

Jesse Lee has a long history of integrating the beautiful sound of handbells in our worship celebrations. If you have never tried playing handbells but are able to read music, consider joining us. All are welcome to join in. Instruction and practice are provided so that you can learn the technique and feel comfortable playing. We share the gift of the bells about once a month and during the holidays.

Handbell Choir preparing to play

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