Jesse Lee Legacy Fund

The Jesse Lee Legacy Fund (JLLF) is an enduring gifts endowment program established to ensure that the economic health of Jesse Lee Church is sufficient to carry out our mission for generations to come.

Contribute to the Jesse Lee Legacy Fund

Embracing Our Rich Heritage

“Jesse Lee Church has been profoundly blessed throughout its 230-year journey, marked by legacies that continually infuse new life and purpose into our ministry in the name of Christ. As we gather within the walls of our third historic sanctuary, we are reminded of the countless contributions that have enriched our ministry over the years. From the engraved name plates adorning our pews to the harmonious melodies resonating from our pipe organ and piano, and the intricate artistry adorning our chancel area, each element tells a story of dedication and devotion.

“Every generation preceding us has left behind legacies that enhance our worship experiences and fuel our mission outreach within the Jesse Lee community. Now, as custodians of this rich heritage, it’s our turn to contribute to the legacy that will shape the future of our ministry. Our Legacy Fund stands as a beacon of hope, a source of sustenance for new ministries to blossom in the name of Christ for generations yet to come. How will YOU join hands with us in nurturing and expanding this enduring legacy?”

— Dr. Roy Hassel, former Jesse Lee Church Pastor / Pastor Emeritus

A Testament of Faith

“It’s only human to think about the differences each of us can make on this earth — both while we’re here and long after we’re gone. Suzanne and I hope and pray there are many years left ahead for us to make those differences for our brothers and sisters in Christ. One thing we are sure of today is that supporting ministries we’ve experienced firsthand is a way to help them endure into the next generation’s future.

Having raised our three children at Jesse Lee, and seeing the impact that faith-based service has had on them and our family, we’re fully committed through the Jesse Lee Legacy Fund to including the church in our will. Knowing that it helps the church plan for its future, we made that commitment now instead of waiting. Whether it’s through ASP, Spirit Builders, Laundry Love, our music programs, or any of Jesse Lee’s many wonderful ministries, it gives us confidence and peace knowing that we can, and will, make a difference while we’re here and after we’re gone through the Legacy Fund.”

-Chad & Suzanne Nelson

When I first heard about the Jesse Lee Legacy Fund, I knew it was something I wanted to support, even if I couldn’t initially pinpoint why. Although I had never contributed to an endowment before, the special connection I felt with Jesse Lee, which began when we became members in 2012, led me to get involved. The church’s history of generosity, exemplified by people like Francis Martin, whose donations built the sanctuary and established impactful funds, made me realize the importance of continuing that legacy. The Jesse Lee Legacy Fund is not just about creating something new; it’s about adding to a tradition of giving that will last for generations. Serving on the Church Council, I’ve seen how previous generations thought ahead to ensure future success, and I believe we must do the same. My family now contributes monthly to the fund, honoring Jesse Lee’s legacy and ensuring the church’s ongoing impact. Today, I invite you to join me in supporting the fund—an anonymous donor is offering a matching grant of $1,000, and we aim to unlock every dollar to secure Jesse Lee’s future for the next fifty years.”

-Robert Mayette

Building a Legacy of Service

“For 50 years, my family has been part of Jesse Lee Church, benefiting from its ministry that serves others through various programs and outreach initiatives, from children and youth programs to support for Scouts and service projects including Christian Day Care School, Scout Support, ASP, Spirit Builders, Stephen Ministry, Music Ministry, commuter park & ride, battered women project, Dorothy Day Food Pantry, Laundry Love, Open Door, and the Dondo Orphanage in Africa. Contributing to the Jesse Lee Legacy Fund supports these endeavors, ensuring a lasting impact for our children and future generations, making giving a blessing to oneself, the church, and those it serves.”

George Weaver

What is a Legacy Fund?

We may think that economic issues are outside the realm of Christianity, but economic life is an important part of Christian living. In the New Testament, Jesus counsels about money more than any other topic besides the kingdom of God. In many of his parables he speaks to money’s proper use, its dangers, and the good it can do in furthering the kingdom of God.

Jesse Lee Memorial United Methodist Church has established an enduring gifts endowment program known as The Jesse Lee Legacy Fund (JLLF) to ensure that the economic health of Jesse Lee is sufficient to carry out our mission for generations to come.

That mission is to advance our core values of celebrating relationships in worship, witnessing God’s love in service, offering learning opportunities, caring for others and sharing the love of Jesus Christ. By supporting this program, our mission and core values, we can ensure that this Christian Community thrives well into future generations.

How The JLLF Works

In general, any person, trust or organization may contribute any amount to the JLLF, which will be invested in the fund accounts to be distributed to the church trustees at a guideline of 4% annually. The trustees, in consultation with the church council, will determine where these funds are most needed each year to fulfill the church’s mission.

Gifts in any amount may be donated to the general JLLF undesignated. If the funds are to be designated for a specific purpose there is a minimum amount that is required. If a designated gift is less than the minimum required for a designated purpose it can be placed in a gifts fund for the purpose designated and will be distributed for that purpose when required.

Donors may give cash, corporate stocks, proceeds from life insurance policies, bonds, Individual Retirement Account distributions, real property,* or any other valuable asset.*

Gifts may be given at any time or included in a trust or will to be donated to the church after the donor’s death. The fund cannot recommend attorneys or financial advisors but will supply a list of professionals as a convenience when requested.

*Subject to Jesse Lee Church Trustee approval.

Donor Benefits

Giving to the JLLF is a testament to your faith and commitment to the church and its mission for your legacy to live well beyond your years.

Donations to the JLLF are tax deductible in most circumstances under current law.** Some donations have a greater value to you than others. For example: Donations up to $100,000 from a traditional IRA when you are 70 1⁄2 or older are not taxable.

The value of corporate stock given to a charity such as Jesse Lee Church is tax deductible at market value plus any gain is not recognized as taxable. A tax deduction is allowed for a donation to a qualified charity of the value of property, real or personal.*

**Please consult a tax advisor.


Community Benefits

Jesse Lee ministries reach far beyond our campus providing critical support and services in our town, country and even around the world. Giving to the JLLF furthers the reach and impact of ministries that include Stephen Ministry, Prayer and Healing, Dondo Orphanage, Spirit Builders, Appalachian Service Project (ASP), Committee of 12, Outreach, Worship for all ages, Older Adult Ministry, Youth and Children’s Ministry and our Music Ministry just to name some of them.

Our campus offers facilities for both church and community activities, including two Boy Scout Troops, Commuter Park and Ride, an outstanding Day School plus training and storage for Spirit Builders, ASP and the Boy Scouts.

A gift to the JLLF demonstrates your dedication to your church, your community and the future of our children and youth. Just as those who came before us pooled their resources to create what we have today, it is our turn to build on their gifts to create our legacy for the children of tomorrow.

For more information, contact the church office at 203-438-8791 or