Lenten Study 2024

Learn how God wants to hear from you and to experience His love and grace through prayer.

To learn more about Rev. James C. Howell, click here

You too may be curious about prayer. We are told prayer has the power to connect, transform, and heal, yet how do we begin to participate in God’s invitation to pray?

Be part of a six-week, small-group during Lent as we look to answer this question using The Beautiful Work of Learning to Pray, by author and pastor James Howell, as our guide. We will consider forms of prayer and common challenges keeping us from deepening our relationship with God through prayer.

See list below of small group offerings and register by selecting the link below.

Complimentary books available at Jesse Lee Church and Books on the Common, Ridgefield.

Questions? egrabinowitz@gmail.com or (203) 241-1729

Offered in partnership:

Small Group Schedule

Group time, leader, location, & start date

Sunday: 11AM, Pastor Thomas Stubbs, Bridge/Zoom, 2/18

Monday: 7PM, Elizabeth Rabinowitz & Serge Karpow, Chapel, 2/19

Tuesday: 10:30AM, Carole Stathis & Ginny Vreeland, Chapel, 2/20

Tuesday: 7:30PM, Nick Cappiello, Parlor, 2/27

Wednesday: 7PM, Bonnie & Phil Kearns, Zoom, 2/14

Thursday: 9:30AM, Suzanne Nelson, Carriage House, 2/15

Thursday: 7PM, Kevin Fitzpatrick & Maryellen Hall, Parlor, 2/15

Friday: 10:30AM, Sharon Collins, Zoom, 2/16

Saturday: 10AM, Jenn Hankla, Zoom, 2/17