United Methodists use the term “confirmation” to mark the first time a baptized Christian publicly “confirms” their intention to live the vows of the baptismal and membership covenant and so becomes a professing member of the local congregation and The United Methodist Church. At Jesse Lee, we welcome students in the 8th grade to prepare for this moment by participating in a seven-month study of their faith.
Worship Attendance- Beginning October 6th and going through April 27th
In order to understand and experience practical life as a Christian participation in worship is crucial. It is hoped that students will make worship a high priority. There will be reflection and sharing related to worship during class weekly. Attendance can be in person or online.
Ministry Participation- Beginning the Week of October 6th and going through April 27th
For the duration listed above, confirmands will be expected to regularly (at least 3 times a month) participate in a weekly ministry of Jesse Lee Church.
The encouragement of a supportive ministry group is vital for claiming God’s love and purpose. Ministry group offerings will include youth group but also can be created by the students in conversation with Pastor Bill or Victoria.
Weekly Meetings and Topics
March 24: Making Sense: The Quadrilateral (The role of Experience and Reason)
March 31: What do I believe, part one
April 7: What do I believe, part two
April 14: no class (Holy Week)
April 21: Who are you, and who do you want to be?
April 28 and May 5: makeup dates
Confirmation Mentors
Each confirmand will receive two mentors for the duration of the course to be assigned by the pastoral supervisor. These mentors will check in with their assigned confirmand at least once a month, and make themselves generally available to field questions and conversations. They will be part of the confirmation service on May 18th as well.
Confirmation Field Trip – April 25-26, 2025
More information will be released soon. We will travel to NYC to visit the historic John Street UMC among other fun stops.
All confirmands will meet in the sanctuary on Saturday, May 17th, 2025. Time to be determined.
Confirmation Sunday
Confirmation Sunday is May 18th, 2025.
Weather Cancellation Policy
We do not automatically follow the school district’s cancellation decisions. Even if school is cancelled for the day, if weather and road conditions improve, we will likely hold our event. We might even consider an online class.
A decision will be made at least 90 minutes prior to the start time of the event.
Should we decide to cancel the event, we will announce via TXT messages, Email notifications, and website updates.
If the road conditions are questionable or if the weather is likely to worsen during the scheduled meeting time, please check your phone, Email, or the website before leaving your home.
Annual Medical Release Form
A satisfactorily-completed and signed Annual Medical Release Form is required to be on file for everyone participating in the Confirmation Journey. Please complete the form, sign, and return to the church.