About Us
Mission: To share the love of Christ in the world.
Vision: We are passionately growing in Christ, serving our neighbors and advocating for the needs of all people.

Core Values
We love God and all people. –Luke 10:27; Mark 12:30
We share our faith in Jesus with love, grace, and humility. –Matthew 28: 19-20
We care for the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of all. –Matthew 25:40
We celebrate our love of God through prayer, study, service, and worship. –Matthew 28: 19-20 Psalm 100: 2-4; 95: 1-6
Inclusion Statement
We are open and affirming of all people regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, or cultural background.
Jesse Lee Church’s roots in cultivating strong, resilient faith goes back to 1789. When this country was getting started, a circuit rider named Jesse Lee was traveling through New England, holding Methodist meeting groups in people’s homes. He was driven by his desire to share the Good News of the Gospel everywhere he traveled. Jesse Lee was well-known for traveling with two horses so when one tired, he switched to the fresh horse so he could remain undeterred in fulfilling his calling to bring God’s message of joy to the people.
That Colonial-era drive is evident today in Jesse Lee Church’s dedication to developing spiritual maturity, nurturing fellowship with one another and serving people in need. This multi-generational congregation functions like a devoted family. Wisdom of the senior members is passed down with love and received with respect and gratitude. Joy is shared all around.
Joining Jesse Lee Church
Jesse Lee Church offers an invitation to people who want to put down spiritual roots and grow in faith. Taking this step of faith is not a one-way street. As you deepen your commitment to following Christ, this church family welcomes you and deepens its commitment to supporting you and your family to develop a closer connection to God.
We ask people who are interested in joining Jesse Lee to participate in a new member class called Growing Self 101. These interactive, engaging classes are led by existing church members and clergy and they lay a foundation that helps faith and fellowship flourish. If you are interested, please call the church office at 203-438-8791 or email info@jesseleechurch.com for more information or to sign up.